Home About ITWRITER.RU in English

About ITWRITER.RU in English

About us
ITWRITER.RU project was established in 2010 as an independent blog platform of technology and the computer industry. However, after a series of major events in 2013, it was decided on the final transformation into a full IT resource that could keep an open mind as to survey what is happening on the global market for the computer industry.

Due to the fact that the project team a significant part of his life to the prosperity of the famous IT portals headings, we think we know and can do a better job than most. So now we are working solely for the fact that to be able to express their point of view, do not hesitate to anyone or anything.

We write about all segments of the computer market and the slogan «from the gadget to the cluster» maximally reflects our state :-).

What do we write?
We write about all devices, gadgets, processors, motherboards, graphics cards, programs and games that surround us and cause our interest. We write about enterprise solutions in the markets fiber optic link and system integration, as well as love to survey the network devices (NAS, etc.). We love the sound systems and televisions, in a word — we write about everything…

You can see our statystics here — https://itwriter.ru/vstats/

Our partners.
At the moment, we are supported by companies such as Intel, ASUS, Synology, Corsair, Apacer, ZALMAN, Synology, Microlab, Tenda, ZyXEL, QNAP, TOSHIBA and many more

Publisher, editor and founder: Ivan Volin aka neons90 info@itwriter.ru — on everything

For press releases — news@itwriter.ru

We have an interesting device. How to pass it?
The easiest way — to write a letter to the address info@itwriter.ru